Adult Ministry
In Matthew 28 Jesus gives what has come to be known as the great commission. "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." This gives us a clear statement of what we are to be about as His church, making disciples. Jesus then tells us how to make disciples. "...baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." We are to seek loving and holy fellowship just as God is ever in perfect fellowship. This means that we must be about community, doing life together, going after the heart of God and of one another. Next we are to teach, in both word and deed, all that Jesus commanded, bringing every aspect of life under His Lordship. With so much of life clamoring for our attention and devotion, doing life together is essential and it is the model Jesus set and commanded for discipleship. Our heart for adult ministry is to follow the example of Christ and so produce ever deepening disciples of Jesus Christ who are a visible expression of His reign.
For questions or additional information email Matt Brown
Student Ministry
In John 4, Jesus has a fantastic conversation with a Samaritan woman at a well. In this conversation He exposes the broken heart of the woman who continued to chase after relationships that only ended in further brokenness. Jesus then reveals Himself to be the great lover of her soul, the one true and everlasting relationship that she was created for and that could heal her broken heart, fill her to overflowing and set her on mission. In a world that vies for the affections of our teenagers, it is our desire to lead our teenagers to this same love and grace of God as seen in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to see our teenagers so captured by the love of Christ as seen in His cross, that they will be consumed by the mission of Christ and unleashed into the world carrying, proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Time: Wednesdays
6:00 pm - 8:00pm
6:00 pm gather (dinners are not offered at this time)
6:30 pm game
7:00 pm worship through song
7:20 pm worship through Word
8:00 pm dismissal
Location: Adoration Church-10800 Johnson Blvd
* Bring your Bible...If you don't have one, we will get you one
Sunday Mornings-Contact Chevy for more information or to join!
Location: Chapel on the Hill-12601 Park Blvd
For questions or additional information email Chevy Kaspyrzyk
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The 410 Bridge is a community development agency that empowers people to use their gifts to faithfully serve and administer God’s grace to create lasting life change.
The 410 Bridge is the primary ministry partner coordinating efforts in Kiu Kenya. The 410 Bridge is a unique ministry that works outside the traditional 3 (1- a full time missionary 2- direct support of a single indigenous pastor 3- western owned and run “mission”). They work with local leaders and pastors to form a Leadership Council that leads 410 into the community’s own vision for spiritual and physical development. They disciple and coach all the pastors in the community together bringing community transformation that will last long after The 410 Bridge leaves. The majority of 410’s staff are Kenyan, Haitian, and Ugandan and no American from 410 lives full time in any of their partner communities.
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Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms 1 Peter 4:10
A Guiding Principle...
Have you ever tried to push a rope? Sometimes we'll bring a rope to meetings with new community leaders. We'll put the rope on a table in the middle of the room so everyone can see it and just let it sit there. The conversation begins and we talk about assets, needs, priorities, etc...We'll talk about their vision for their community...How they measure success...Where they want to go... It's pretty cool.
Soon the discussion turns to what it means to be a 410 Bridge community. What are their responsibilities? What are ours?
That's when the rope comes off the table.
Many western organizations, doing really good work, have their particular idea or solution. It could be anything from a water filtration system to a micro-enterprise idea. Whatever it is, they're good at it and they want to do it anywhere in the world they can. Unfortunately, sometimes they have a tendency, albeit well intended, to 'push' their solution onto the people they serve, often without asking if the solution is really needed or a priority. Our approach is fundamentally different. It's like the rope.
Back to the meeting... We'll give one end of the rope to a community leader and we'll hang on to the other end. We'll walk away until the rope is fully extended then explain that if 410 were to try and push them with the rope, we wouldn't go very far. "But," we say "if you PULL us, provided you know where you're going, and provided we want to follow... we can go a long way together." Heads nod.
So that, in a nutshell, is one of our guiding principles. Don't Push. Be pulled.
The downside is that it takes longer. It doesn't go exactly as we would have planned it and we'd probably do it differently than they would. But they own the solutions... they believe in it... they're accountable for it... and therefore it's more likely to be sustained without us being there - which is exactly what we want.
- Kurt Kandler
Executive Director
To learn more visit www.410bridge.org